Thursday, February 23, 2012

Cumin is not Cinnamon

I left Jeff with the kiddos so I could run an errand or two. I came back and started cleaning up a little. This is what I found on the counter... 

I thought to myself, this is odd. I've never heard of anyone enjoying cumin and sugar on bread before. 
"Jeff, I've never had cumin and sugar bread before that is an odd mix" I said. 

Jeff responded, OH that's why Scotty was saying it did not taste good. I thought that was the cinnamon! 

Scotty ate it all gone, and was probably confused why it tasted funny. He must've been hungry. 


1 comment:

  1. Haha! First, I'm glad to know we're not the only family that eats sugar and cinnamon on toast. Second, I'm glad I'm not the only wife who has a husband that can't read ;) JK Jeff. That's hilarious.
