Friday, October 21, 2011

Mom and Dad's New obsession with Instagram

Jeff and I have a new found obsession with Instagram, an iphone4 app. We have been taking pictures of seemingly insignificant items, and they are turning out so nice, we have instargram where you can play with the color tones.

Jeff and I have gotten a lot of followers on our instagram photo's and a lot of likes on our different photos. 
I just wanted to share some of the photo's we've taken many of them are taken in New Mexico ABQ. We were there visiting a good friend of mine, when we really tuned in on our instagram kick.

Sasha's pictures:

(This balloon I made everything but the balloon black and white, the original is a great picture too)

(Some strangers bike outside a random coffee shop, people probably wondered, why are you taking a picture of his bike?Answer is because I'm just so cool like that) 

(I saw this angle, this building, shape etc was just so unique I had to snap it)

(This is an insignificant stump! Nothing special about it, until you capture it from another angle)

(Our American flag is so beautiful, no matter it's condition, it's angle, etc.)

(Just another traffic light)

(I snuck through a gate to take this picture. I'm a rebel) 

 (Our flight home was bumpy, and beautiful, see the sun hitting the plane, yet the clouds are so brutal?)

(Another angle on this strangers, awesome bike)

Jeff's pictures: (coming soon)


  1. These are incredible pictures! And you took them with your phone? My phone mostly makes calls...and sometimes it can't even do that =) Very cool pictures.

  2. @Kelly Thank you! Yes they were taken with my iPhone4. Jeff has some incredible pictures too, I just need to go use the other computer to pull those pictures and put them on here. :D

    Thank you again.
